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Get What You Need for Spanish Long-Term Visas (Part 2 )

part 1part 2part 3 A Guide for Traveling to Spain This is part two of our series on how to prepare for traveling to Spain. In part one, we took a look at the Visa process for tourists and other short-term travelers. We will look now into how to best prepare to get a Visa […]

How to Translate a Birth Certificate from Spanish to English

  Professional legal translations   Introduction It can be infuriating, having that one last document you need, just in the wrong language. It’s right there, you are holding it, but you can’t read a word, or worse yet, the people you need to give it to can’t read a word of it. It might be […]

5 Qualities of a Good Translation Agency

Nowadays, most firms are not restricted to their local geography as the internet has allowed them to extend their legs to other parts of the world. Since there are various differences between the local market and the foreign market, you will have to be very particular about your approach. Even a single mistake can land […]

Can a Translation Agency Boost Your Content Quality for Marketing Campaigns?

One may think that translation agencies are only used in order to communicate with the foreign market in their local language, but you must understand that this is just one of the benefits offered by translation agencies.   With globalization and virtualization becoming a new normal for everyone out there, the rise of translation agencies […]

How Accurate Is Google Translate When it Comes to Spanish?

Just how accurate is Google Translate in 2021? Can you use Google Translate for official documents? Can you trust it to translate a personal letter correctly? The truth is, the answers to these questions will almost always depend on the language in question. Due to the nature of Google Translate and how it “learns,” some […]

The Most Useful Languages to Learn in 2021

Learning a language requires a considerable investment of time and effort. Due to the difficulty in learning a new language, it makes sense that one would want to understand which languages will be most beneficial for them to know. So what is the best language to learn? The answer isn’t so simple. Assuming you already […]

Types of Translation Based on The Technical Field

While from the outside, it may seem like all a translator does is take words from one language and transfer them into another; the truth is much more complicated. Proper translation takes years to master, as a language more often than not doesn’t work as a simple one to one transfer of words. Idioms, cliches, […]

The Difficulty Google Translate Has With Latin

It is a fact that Latin is considered a dead language, one that is no longer evolving or changing; you would assume that programs like Google Translate would quickly and easily decipher any messages written in it. However, when you try and use Google Translate for Latin, the text becomes messy and difficult to read. […]

Why You Shouldn’t Use Google Translate for Chinese Languages

China’s languages, mainly Mandarin and Cantonese, are becoming ever more important on the world stage, and Chinese nationals are appearing in more interactions in the West and elsewhere. Exchange students, investors, and even movie producers are increasingly coming from China. The need to communicate effectively with them is more important than ever.   Simultaneously, in […]

Top Differences Between Latin American Spanish and European Spanish

With over 500 million worldwide speakers, Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language on the planet. From Argentina to Spain and the Philippines, nearly anywhere you find civilization, a Spanish speaker won’t be far.   Appearing in so many diverse places over the course of such a long period of time, the Spanish language […]