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Medical Translations 101

Among the different kinds of translation services available, medical translations are, perhaps, among the least familiar.

Doctor And Nurses


It is primarily because this kind of service is highly specialized, and is often requested only by relevant organizations.


Today, let’s delve into the clinical world of medical translations and answer some frequently asked questions.


What documents fall under medical translations?


A lot, actually. These documents include package inserts, product labels, data sheets, medical contracts, training materials and videos, consent forms, manuals, case reports, patient data, research information such as clinical trials, hospital questionnaires, and toxicology reports, among other documents used in the medical industry.


Who requests for medical translations?


As a specialized service, medical translations are normally requested by pharmaceutical companies, medical supplies and equipment manufacturers, health care specialists, medical organizations, hospitals, laboratories, medical research and interest groups, and biotechnology companies, among other industry groups.


Who are qualified to do medical translations?


Here at The Spanish Group, we require all our medical translations to have sufficient education, training and experience related to the subject matter that they will translate.


Operations Manager Salvador Ordorica explained, “Medical translation is essentially translating medical jargon into something that can be easily understood by a layman reader. To be able to do this, we ensure that our medical translators are industry and language professionals themselves. As in all other translation jobs, accuracy is a non-negotiable aspect of medical translations especially since it involves matters of life and health.”



Lorenzo Saavedra is a San Francisco-based Colombian writer. He has a degree in Journalism and Economics from the University of Miami where he graduated with Latin honors. He is fluent in Spanish, English, Italian, and also speaks “some Arabic.”



During his time in the university, he wrote about Cuban-American population and relations, and the incorporation of Cuban-Americans into mainstream American society.


Lorenzo juggles his time between working as a freelance writer and travelling which is also a source of inspiration for many of his works. His favorite topics are politics and social issues, literary and film criticism, and business.


Lorenzo enjoys going to the beach and learning about new languages.



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